Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I'm not dead! Cutting together a new video right now!

Sorry for my prolonged absence. I had some heavy personal stuff going on, and it just felt like minecraft videos weren't the thing I needed to do. But I'm BACK, and I'll have a video up as soon as I can!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Yay! World 3 is recovered!

I finally figured out how to uncorrupt the World 3 save, much thanks to zephyrwarrior from youtube. Here's a video of a new monument in Monument Valley, as well as a viewing of my new improved path through the nether.

Also, if you want to download my Worlds 2 or 3, you can do that here. Feel free to build stuff in either one of them, and upload it to a media sharing service like mediafire or megaupload, and send me a link via Youtube.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Starting a Tutorial Series

Finally got around to making a tutorial. If you like it, let me know, and maybe I'll make some more. I dunno. I mostly made it because the tutorials out there were driving me nuts with their misinformation. :P So, here it is, watch it, let me know what you think. :)

Friday, January 14, 2011

So much has happened!

So, since I last posted here, I've uploaded a gazillion(slight exaggeration) videos, Notch has made an AWESOME update(Beta 1.2), and I've FINALLY gotten my second world available for download here. I'll try to be more active here, but in return, SO DO YOU GUYS! You comment alot on my youtube videos, but you don't say ANYTHING here. I put up a poll, and only ONE person besides myself voted on it! :P So, get with it. I'll be making posts here besides just putting up my videos, so if you pay attention, you'll probably be a lot more in the know than the people who don't. FYI. You've been told. :)

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Notch Announced Beta!

Notch, the creator of Minecraft, just announced that it will officially be in beta as of December 20th. Also, he announced a price increase at that time, and, here's the kicker, gave notice that anyone who buys the game starting on the 20th will no longer get free updates for life. Fortunately, that ONLY applies to games purchased ON OR AFTER the 20th, so if you haven't gotten the game yet, NOW IS THE TIME.

Here's a link to his blog with all the details.


Thursday, December 9, 2010

Minecraft LP 3.02 - Preliminary Reports

Here I am again. Watch me. Love me. Shove dollar bills in my g-string.

Minecraft LP 3.01 - Do Beginnings Ever Really HAVE Ends?

Here we are, in a brand new world. With awesome landscape. I really like this world.