Saturday, December 11, 2010

Notch Announced Beta!

Notch, the creator of Minecraft, just announced that it will officially be in beta as of December 20th. Also, he announced a price increase at that time, and, here's the kicker, gave notice that anyone who buys the game starting on the 20th will no longer get free updates for life. Fortunately, that ONLY applies to games purchased ON OR AFTER the 20th, so if you haven't gotten the game yet, NOW IS THE TIME.

Here's a link to his blog with all the details.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Minecraft LP 3.02 - Preliminary Reports

Here I am again. Watch me. Love me. Shove dollar bills in my g-string.

Minecraft LP 3.01 - Do Beginnings Ever Really HAVE Ends?

Here we are, in a brand new world. With awesome landscape. I really like this world.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Minecraft LP 2.12 - Is THIS It?....No.

For your enjoyment, a fun filled 13 minutes of me wandering around looking like an idiot! Yay!

Minecraft LP 2.11 - Down The Hole Again...

Here's the latest installment of me acting like a scared little child. In other news, I have a poll up. Look at it. Participate. Etc.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Minecraft LP 2.10 - Cave Crawling for Wusses

Here's episode 10 of my second world Let's Play Minecraft. There is a cave involved. Good stuff. :)